With the School’s vision and mission underpinning our approach to student-focused processes, we
Design Teaching & Learning programmes that are aligned to the principles that anchor the New CL curriculum
Ensures that pupils are exposed to experiential learning that engages their mind and their heart
Develop pupils to be avid readers, competent writers and confident speaker
Common Programmes/Activities by Mother Tongue Language Department
1. MTL Fortnight & Cultural Camp
Since 2011, we have been organizing MTL Fortnights and Language & Cultural Camps yearly. The objectives are:
To promote MTL as a living language;
To create platforms for interaction using MTL;
To extend learning outside class/beyond school;
To increase interest and motivation to learn.
Throughout the 2 weeks, our pupils are engaged with a series of activities that expose them to the usage of their Mother Language in a fun manner. For the Chinese Language department, activates arranged for pupils include celebrating Chinese New Year, clay making (泥塑), Chinese Finger Painting (指画), Tea-appreciation activity, Read @ Recess by Principal and English medium teachers in their own Mother Tongue Language. For the Malay Language department, pupils are engaged in quizzes and a race conducted in Malay Language while for the Tamil Language department, pupils are engaged on Murukku making (Murukku Tasting), Agal Vilakku Painting and various Learning Journeys.
Badges, tokens and other prizes are awarded to pupils who participate actively in these activities. Pupils are immersed in their respective Mother Tongue Language with great excitement.
2. Happy Recess @Happy Ocean
To extend the learning of Mother Tongue Languages beyond classroom, “Happy Ocean” was set up in the school in 2017. In this cozy area, pupils have the opportunity to interact with their peers using their Mother Tongue Languages through fun activities during recess. Under the supervision and guidance of our PaVE members and selected Mother Tongue Language student-leaders, pupils play various language games like Boggle, Word Dominoes and Chinese Chess.
3. Infusing of Innovation Thinking Tools into the learning of Mother Tongue Language. With the objective of nurturing innovation and creativity in our pupils, we infused Thinking Protocols into our daily teaching as well as Formative Assessment. Brainstorming, Sticker-dot Matrix, PMI, Scamper & Six-thinking Hats are tools chosen for our pupils to carry out during their group discussion.
Chongzheng Chinese Reading Programme – Term 1 Update

We are delighted to share the latest updates of our Reading Programme from Chinese Language Department! This term has been filled with a variety of activities aimed at enhancing students' reading journeys.
Our in-class reading sessions provide students with immersive experiences, exposing them to a diverse range of texts and cultivating their understanding. Library time continues in its traditional fashion, offering students the opportunity to independently explore a rich array of Chinese literary works. These activities, along with designated time for lower primary students, encourage students to engage in intentional reading of Chinese language storybooks.
We are equally thrilled by the success of our "Reading Parents" initiative. This programme encourages parental involvement, allowing Primary one and two students to participate in guided reading activities during break time at "Happy Ocean." Additionally, they engage in story-related crafts designed by teachers. This initiative, bolstered by illustrated books, further enhances student involvement in reading.
As the term progresses, we remain dedicated to providing captivating experiences, nurturing students' lifelong love for reading, and promoting academic growth.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your continuous support and collaboration throughout this exciting journey!

Chongzheng Chinese Reading Programme – Term 2 Update
Chongzheng Chinese Reading Programme - Term 3 Update