Teachers in-charge:
Mr Ryan Pek (Main-in-charge)
Mr Gavin Ong
Mrs Sharleen Ong
Ms Li Xin Xin
CCA Leaders:
Captain – Danial Anaqhi bin Muhamad Zuhri (5IN)
Captain – Oliver Ong Jin Feng (5RY)
Vice Captain – Shlok Menon (4IN)
Vice Captain – Lim Shao Long Curtis (4RY)
Rugby provides opportunities for students to learn about teamwork, skills, confidence, persistence, respect and being able to win and lose graciously.
Rugby is a team sport that delivers significant social and health benefits. It can also be a physically demanding sport and players should be physically and mentally prepared, and understand how to play safely. It is the responsibility of all - players, coaches and teachers - to ensure that a positive, safe, enjoyable environment is created where ALL players will be able to reach their fullest potential, and that – whatever form of the game they play - the training and education materials and equipment are there to support everyone in creating that environment.
The players will learn all the skills needed to play the game for example ball handling skills, passing skills, tackling, rucking, kicking and decision making. They will also learn the rules of the games and how to play the game properly. The coach will teach them how to do a scrum, line outs and kick off as well as receiving kicks which are all part of the game.
Training is conducted every week on Tuesday during curriculum time from 7.30 am to 9.00 am for all players from Primary 3 to Primary 6. Players who show sufficient skills and capability will be chosen to represent the school and there will be extra training for these players on Wednesdays (3.00pm to 5.00pm) and Fridays (2.00 pm to 4.30pm).